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Drink for Your Health: 7 Healthy Coffee Recipes That You Can Make at Home

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world today (even before). A fact which isn’t so surprising at all, given coffee’s delicious, soothing taste. But, aside from its toothsome taste that will make you want for more, coffee also has its fair share of health benefits.

According to food and health experts, coffee can enhance your intelligence level, prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, and can put you in a cheerful mood. But did you know that you can further strengthen the health miracles that coffee bring to you?

Yeah, for sure. It just takes a little bit of creativity and spicing up of healthy ingredients on your next brew. For a bit of help, here’s a list of healthy coffee recipes that you can make at home. So take a read!

Almond Milk Latte

If the first thing that comes to your mind is to energize yourself, it’s time to tinker now with your coffee brewer and make an almond milk latte. With a cup of almond milk, a teaspoon of honey, half-cup of ice, and an espresso shot or two, you can now have a drink of your morning energizer.

Almond milk is low in sugar, a rich source of vitamin E, and abundant in calcium which makes it a perfect and healthy combination to caffeine in bringing you good health.

Maple Clove Butter Coffee

Get that energy throughout your hectic day with this mouthwatering coffee recipe! Maple clove butter coffee is simple to make, really, and it has only a few ingredients to mix.

You only need to get one tablespoon of maple syrup, another tablespoon of coconut butter and ghee, coffee, and ¼ teaspoon of ground clove for the toppings. This coffee recipe is good, whether served cold or hot.

Java Chip Frappuccino

Java Chip Frappuccino is a favorite coffee recipe from Starbucks. But you can make this coffee recipe at home.

Just prepare on the table 3 tablespoons of dark chocolate chips and chocolate syrup, a half cup of nonfat milk, ¼ cup of brewed coffee, and 1 cup of crushed ice. After that, mix these ingredients in a coffee blender for 1 minute.

The dark chocolate in this recipe is an important ingredient that can improve heart health, better flow of blood, and prevention from cancer.

Frozen Banana Coffee Frappe

It’s time to put a touch of healthy awesomeness to your morning coffee drink! With the perfect blend of chocolate, coffee, and frozen banana, you can now have a refreshing taste of this coffee recipe. Then you can top it off with coconut milk or vanilla for extra awesomeness to the taste and presentation.

Vanilla Maca Latte

Nutmeg, vanilla, cinnamon, coconut milk, brewed herbal coffee, and maca powder are what makes this tasty coffee recipe. Maca powder is good for your health because it’s rich in vitamin C, iron, and antioxidants that can improve mood, stamina, and memory.

Plain Cold Brew Coffee

If you want something simple for your morning coffee drink, then you can make a plain cold brew coffee for that purpose. With only a few ingredients such as ground black coffee and cold water, you’ll now get that energy that you need for the long day ahead.

Black coffee can do wonders for your health and well-being since it boosts your memory, strengthens your liver, cleanses your intestines, and enhances your heart health.

Honey and Cinnamon Iced Latte

Honey and cinnamon are natural products which means that they’re good for your health. The good thing is these two healthy ingredients are perfect to make an iced latte. Not only that they make your health better, but honey and cinnamon iced latte are also delicious.

If you want a coffee blender to brew this healthy and delicious coffee recipe, you can check sites like Deal Wiki for it.


Coffee is no doubt one of the most delicious and healthy beverages in the world, and it’s not difficult to make. If you’re a coffee lover and you want to improve your health, there are healthy coffee recipes that you can make at home. You can take some knowledge from the list of recipes above for that purpose.

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